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Reached crisis point?

Run out of ideas?

Need a coaching hand?

Are you an organisation needing to put right a long running difficulty?

Free 45 minute consultation

We will listen and learn about your situation.

If suited, we will work with you, either as an individual, a team or within an organisation structure, to develop a sustainable good fit solution that matches your needs and values.


Please note

Referred adults, i.e. those who have intellectual disabilities or autism, must either consent to consultation with or on their behalf, or where capacity is absent, a Mental Capacity Act 'Best Interests' decision has been made.

Analysis of why

Applied behaviour analysis and positive behaviour support gives us an evidence-based way to understand the reason why challenging behaviour happens.

We assess and measure the situation in context, establish the outcome desired by the client and apply behaviour analysis techniques to move towards these desired goals.

We share the knowledge with the people who matter to give the person or the team the skills needed to have a voice and experience a good, fulfilling life. 


All interventions are measured before, during and after to make sure they are having the desired effect.

Personalised Process

Following detailed direct assessment to understand what the functions of behavioural challenges are, we will systematically design interventions that improve communication between people, reduce environmental triggers and increase quality of life outcomes.​


All interventions are measured before, during and after to make sure they are having the desired effect.


Most often the result of such interventions, is a significant reduction of challenging behaviour without attempting to ‘fix’ or prevent the behaviour of concern.

Managing Director - From 1995, my professional focus turned to social care and human helping services. Through supporting autistic and learning disabled people, in the role of supporter, I gained years of experience in direct care. As an advocate and helping people get the best out of life, I became interested in the science of human learning, Behaviour Analysis (obtaining 'Board Certification in 2015). During this journey, I took roles within the following areas;- Registered Service Manager, Regulatory Inspector and later Locality Manager (Care Quality Commission), regional corporate management and recently as Head of Specialist Services for a national charity in both clinical and organisational management roles.  All roles involved team coaching, lean management development and mediation - bringing people together in the most harmonious way for their unique circumstance, applying the science of behaviour analysis to achieve their personal desired goal.


I am now developing Beeline Behaviour Change as a Kent based preferred, bespoke provider of PBS support within family homes for adults and children.

Meet the team!

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Shelley Hayward (1).jpg
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​For more information on the techniques, please click the links below.

*These pages are independent from Beeline, but we believe are great examples of what we do. 

Our Values


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Beeline Behaviour Change is the trading name of Beeline Behaviour Change Ltd, a limited company registered in England and Wales.  Company number: 12725608

©2024 by Lois Tozer. Proudly created with

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